About | Something

About Us

We are a dynamic team of developers, each bringing a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table. Meet Eli, Ryan, and Marcus - the driving forces behind our projects. Eli, with a passion for front-end development and an eye for design; Ryan, a CSS maestro with a knack for problem-solving; and Marcus, a full-stack wizard who ensures seamless integration of our creations.


Choosing GitHub over WordPress is a decision rooted in the core principles of modern development. GitHub provides an unparalleled environment for collaboration and version control. Unlike WordPress, it offers developers the flexibility to tailor their projects, implement complex features, and maintain clean code repositories. The open-source nature of GitHub fosters innovation, enabling us to push boundaries and create exceptional digital experiences.

As evident in the photo, GitHub stands as a solid foundation for our endeavors, while platforms like WordPress and Wix are considered cringe and fall short in comparison. Embrace the power of GitHub.

How long this took

Building this website from the ground up was a labor of love that spanned several weeks. From conceptualization to deployment, we invested countless hours to ensure every line of code and every pixel met our high standards. The satisfaction derived from overcoming challenges, implementing innovative solutions, and witnessing the project come to life is immeasurable. While ready-made platforms offer convenience, the joy of creating something unique and tailored to our vision makes the journey worthwhile.