Sleep Made Easy | Marcus | Something

Solution to sleep

Have you ever wanted to sleep but couldn't? Or perhaps some people just really need a chill pill?

Well, you need NAPTIME™.

NAPTIME™ is our new patented formula for sleep, perfect on any level of annoyance! Just spray onto a rag, hold over target's mouth for 8-12 seconds, and presto! Thanks to NAPTIME™'S SLEEPYTIME™ formula, sleeping is made easy, when the chemicals go into the target's brain and "gently" induce sleep!

We also have video advertizements! watch this one:

But wait! if you act fast, you can get the all-new DreamSack! With these all-new portable bags, you just pull over the problem's head, tighten, and wait! Eventually they will pass out, with a 15% chance of not waking up again! But that's not all! More solid forms of NAPTIME products are availible, such as: Aluminum Baseball bat, for quick-acting slumber; Cyanide, for a more clever and long-term sleeping solution; and many more!

Naptime products may have side affects, such as: progressive central nervous system depression, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, dizziness, and convulsions. In severe cases paralysis of the medullary respiratory centre may lead to respiratory failure and sudden death. Other risks for seperate products include permanent brain damage, skull fractures, asphyxiation, and death.

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